Although I only use food safe oils to finish my bowls, it is not my intention to carve cereal or salad bowls. It is more the creating process itself that I enjoy…looking at the grain and color of a blank, split log and finishing with a bowl. Not so much function as form; I can go where the log takes me, without needing to fill a specific function. Make sense?
However, it’s not unusual to see my wife has put apples, pears, peaches and other fruits and fresh vegetables in these bowls around the kitchen and dining room table. It’s perfectly fine as long as you keep an eye out for any overripe or rotting food that turn up, especially tomatoes…probably a good idea to keep a piece of waxed paper under them for protection.
As of late, I’ve been using organic flax seed oil in the finishing process. Flax seed oil is a polymer, penetrating and hardening the wood fibers, unlike mineral oil which penetrates but does not harden. I usually put on 2 coats of flax seed oil. I then use a combination of flax seed oil and bees wax, applied like a paste, giving the piece more protection and a slight sheen.
An accumulation of dirt or dust can be cleaned off with a damp rag. Like with most wood products, don’t soak them in water. The patina will darken over time, especially with black cherry. If it does appear dry, you can apply some mineral oil or even another coat of flax seed oil. Wipe off any excess and let it dry.
As I experiment with different finishes, I will post them on my blog.